- Prepare baptisimal candidates on the Sabbath of their baptism and extend home hospitality to them.
- Prepare and serve for communion service. Alert pastors of shut-ins for home communion.
- Visit or extend home hospitality to members. Contact by phone or written communication. Refer special needs to those who can help. Follow your church’s procedures when the death of a church family member occurs. Visit sick members in the hospital, taking a small plant and card.
- Telephone committee.
- Greeter or host on Sabbath.
- Sponsor periodic fellowship dinners.
- Beautification and upkeep of the church facility, including helping at church work bees.
- Provide funeral dinners when planned and see to the families’ needs.
- Look for ways to nurture each other and church members, thus strengthening the church as a whole.
Reprinted from Deaconess Ministry