
How to Increase Youth Involvement

There are two people sitting in your youth room during Sabbath School. One sits on the back row, feet up on the chair in front of him, hands behind his head, looking out of the window, thinking about what he’s going to be doing tonight. The other one is on the front row, waiting her part in the program. In the meantime, she’s paying attention to what’s going on, answering questions, and looking forward to the scheduled youth activity for the afternoon.

Now here’s the question: which one of these two young people is likely to be a church member ten years from now? Why?

All other things being equal, the one programming factor that pre disposes kids for long-term church membership is involvement. Kids who are not involved don’t stay involved.

Places to Involve Your Youth

  1. Planning. How many kids do you have on your youth council? How many are working on planning the Sabbath School and AYS programs? How many are putting together ideas for social activities? Or service projects? Use as many of your youth as you can, in as many committees as you have activities.  
  2. Preparing. Once the creative work is done, there’s still a lot to do. Someone has to ask people to take part. Someone has to purchase supplies. Someone has to make all the contacts.
  3. Presenting. Many of your youth have up-front skills. They enjoy doing the jobs that others shy away from: welcoming people, introducing the program, leading music, giving special music, reading the scripture passages, taking part in skits, etc. Find as many opportunities as you can to involve these kids.
  4. Behind the Scenes. There are also kids who don’t like to be upfront who would be happy to take part in activities that keep them off center stage: creating bulletins for your programs, working on the newsletter, creating bulletins for your programs, working on the newsletter, creating costumes for drama presentations, etc. Look for these jobs as well and match them up with your behind the scenes kids. 
  5. Evaluating. Frequently ask your youth for their opinion on how things are going. Give them plenty of chances to evaluate your programs, your projects and your overall ministry. Respect their opinions and make appropriate changes.

From: ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry
Permission to copy for use in the local congregation or group.

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