Throughout the world Seventh-day Adventist Church week-by-week Sabbath School offerings provide the support for world missions.
In 1912 the General Conference Committee designated the last Sabbath of each quarter as a day on which Sabbath School should take a special mission offering. This has been called the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. A certain portion of this offering has been designated to benefit special projects in a selected world division. Each division receives its turn according to a schedule voted by the Annual Council of the General Conference. The Division Committee selects the projects within its territory to benefit from the Special Projects portion of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. Currently 25 percent of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is used each quarter for these special projects.
These projects include establishing new work in areas previously unreached, building churches (especially in areas of economic depression), providing educational opportunities that will further the work of the church (such as seminaries, mission schools, pioneer missionary training), etc.
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