
Tips for Teaching

Adult Sabbath School Teacher - Teaching an adult Sabbath school class is a rewarding and growing experience. Your style of teaching has a big influence on your delivery and effectiveness.

Tips for Better Teaching

1. Always start with prayer. Invite God's presence and wisdom into your midst. Set the tone for spiritual growth and discovery.

2. Make people feel welcome. Show an interest in those in class member's families and activities. Take time to acknowledge any visitors.

3. Project your voice so everyone in your class can hear. If you're in a sanctuary with several other classes, try to get your class as close together as possible so you can focus your vocal projection on a smaller area.

4. Be warm and energetic about your topic. This may be difficult if you're not comfortable with a particular lesson. When this happens creatively draw in related elements of interests that tie into the topic of the day.

5. Make room for discussion. Resist the temptation to preach the lesson. Invite class members to contribute their thoughts.

6. Be a discussion facilitator. Don't allow one or two people to dominate the discussion. Draw others in with leading questions and comments. 

7. Don't set traps. Shy away from trick questions that try to get class members to guess what you are thinking. It only takes one embarrassment for some to decide not to risk any future involvement in class discussion. 

8. Be Prepared.
Your class probably doesn't expect you to be a walking encyclopedia of Bible knowledge, but they can usually tell when you haven't studied your lesson.

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