
Youth Church

One of the secrets of continuing local support for your youth ministry program is to keep your youth visible to the entire congregation. And one of the best ways to accomplish that is to hold a regularly scheduled youth church, a regular worship service presented entirely by the youth. Here are a few points to keep in mind in your planning process.

Five Planning Points for Youth Church
  1. Schedule.  Meet with your pastor and ask for a date for a youth church. After you’ve had two or three successes with youth church, ask for a regular appointment, such as twice a year or once a quarter.
  2. Program. Meet with your youth council and discuss ways to involve as many youth as possible in the church service. For example, use several kids to lead the music, two kids to read the scripture reading, a group for special music, and two or three to present the sermon.
  3. Participants. Ask for volunteers, or nominate members of your youth group to take part. Ask each person to take part and schedule a meeting of all participants.
  4. Theme. Talk to the participants about the goals of your worship service. Choose a theme around which the participants can plan their part of the program. Choose music, a scripture passage and a sermon topic that fits the overall theme.
  5. Practice. While most church members (especially parents and grandparents) will be thrilled to see their kids involved in church, some members may be critical. So take the time to practice each part. Give appropriate respect to the responsibility of leading a congregation in worship to God.
What to Do After Youth Church
  1. Greet the Congregation. Have all the members of your youth group join the program participants in greeting the members of the congregation. Line both sides of the church foyer, smile and shake everybody’s hand.
  2. Evaluate. Within a week of youth church talk to your youth group about the service. Ask for tips on doing a better job next time. Discuss creative ways to enhance the worship.

“From: ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry”
© 2000 John Hancock Center for Youth and Family Ministry
Permission to copy for use in the local congregation or group.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States