
Dunes Honor Requirements

Dunes Honor Requirements



Download the requirement for the Dunes honor by clicking the download link above.


1. What are dunes? What is the primary ingredient?
2. Name four items needed for dune formation.
3. Explain the following three ways that wind moves sand.

  1. Surface Creep
  2. Saltation
  3. Suspension

4. Explain the following dune formations: Barchans, star dunes, Linear or Longitudinal dunes, parabolic.
5. What is Ecological Succession? How is this demonstrated in dune communities?
6. What is Dune Blowout? How does it relate to Succession?
7. What are pioneer plants? What is their purpose in dune communities? Give two examples.
8. Give three examples of plants in dune environments. How are they adapted for survival?
9. Give five examples of animal species in dune environments. How are they unique for living in dune communities?
10. Discover an early pioneer of dunes management and conservation within your conference, union, or division. Share your discovery with an instructor or group.
11. Tell a story about sand and draw a spiritual lesson.
12. Do at least two of the following activities:

  1. Visit an exhibit or conservatory of desert plants/dune plants. Look for how they are adapted to living in sand or poor soil, harsh temperatures and lack of water.
  2. Visit a zoo where there are desert animals, especially ones that are adapted to living in sand. If possible, observe some of the ones you studied while learning about dunes.
  3. Watch a video about dunes or plants or animals that live in dunes.
  4. Construct an outdoor working demonstration of dune progression using sand, an object for obstruction, a fan to blow the sand. Observe how the sand blows over the obstruction and falls on the other side forming a dune.
  5. Draw or paint a picture of something you had fun learning about while studying dunes.
  6. Talk to your group, write about or make a short video about a real life dune conservation project. Explain why this specific habitat should be saved, i.e. endangered species of plants and/or animals living there.

Skill Level 2
New in 2014

Dunes, Advanced

1. Earn the Dunes Honor.
2. Arrange or participate in a service project benefiting the dunes community (clean up, trail making, helping others learn about this specific habitat). Write a report about the following things (including maps, photographs or drawings may help):

  1. What dune did you visit?
  2. When did you visit?
  3. What did you do there?
  4. New information you have learned about this type of habitat beyond what was learned in the basic honor.
  5. Information about the specific dune you visited.
  6. Describe the service project you did (be specific).
  7. What did you learn about yourself while doing the service project?
  8. What did you learn about this habitat while doing this service project?

Skill Level 3
New in 2014

North American Division
2014 Update

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