
Eucalypts Honor Requirements

Eucalypts Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the Eucalypts honor by clicking on the download link above.


1. How many different species of Eucalypts have been named in Australia?

  1. Where does the name Eucalypt come from?
  2. To what family do Eucalypts belong?


  1. In what other parts of the world do Eucalypts grow?
  2. In how many are they indigenous to that country?


  1. Which country has the tallest Hardwood?
  2. Where is it growing?
  3. How tall is it?
  4. Which country has the tallest flowering trees?

5. Into what groups are Eucalypts divided and what feature is used for this purpose?
6. How do Eucalypts adapt to

  1. Frequent bush fires?
  2. Arid regions?


  1. From what species do they extract Eucalyptus oil?
  2. Where is it done in Australia?

8. Name ways in which Eucalypts help man, animals, birds, insects.
9. Make a collection of 15 different species of Eucalypts that you can identify and draw or trace or collect the fruit of each showing date and place and name of col-lector.

South Pacific Division
2001 Edition

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