
Hygiene Award Requirements

Hygiene Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the hygiene award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Helping Hand (4th grade)
Category: Household Arts
Section: My Self


1. Find, read, and discuss Psalm 119:11, 51:10, and 19:14.
2. Learn about personal cleanliness.
3. Discover three important times for washing your hands.
4. Practice proper brushing of teeth.
5. Discuss regular bathing and how to keep your hair clean.
6. How many glasses of water should you drink daily?
7. Is it important to keep your clothing clean?

1. Discuss importance of using kind and clean words as Jesus would have us do. Locate the texts and discuss what they say.
2. Make it interesting while you learn—remember that many may not be taught the basics of cleanliness at home. Play games, sing songs, or make posters to instill the basic principles. You may choose to watch a video, read a book, or have a health specialist come talk with the children.
3. Teach the importance of clean hands before eating, after going to the rest room, and before handling food. Using a microscope, look at their hands. Have them wash with soap as they would normally wash, place them under a microscope again, wash again carefully, and look at the difference.
4. Brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice each day. Eat a balanced diet, cut back on sugary and starchy foods, and don’t chew on hard substances such as ice or popcorn kernels. Have a dental professional come to show proper brushing (they may be willing to give each child a tooth brush or other items).
5. A clean body is healthier. Share with the children some problems if they do not keep clean. For example, lice, colds, etc. Play salon makeover and show how to properly wash hair, dry, and comb it. You may wish to have a stylist talk to them and show good health habits for their hair and hands.
6. The outside of your body needs water to keep clean and the inside of your body needs water to keep healthy. You need at least eight glasses of water each day. Share with them how God made their body and planned it the way it is.
7. It is also important to keep our clothing clean so we will look and feel healthy. After playing or working it is important to bathe and put on clean clothing.

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