
Literature Evangelism Honor Requirements

Literature Evangelism Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the literature evangelism honor by clicking on the download link above.

Literature Evangelism

1. From the Bible and writings of Ellen G. White, write a summary, at least 250 words in length, on the importance of the use of literature in leading people to Christ.
2. Name five essential qualifications of a colporteur.
3. How is the colporteur supported?
4. What four steps are taken in the sale of a book or magazine?
5. Briefly outline how to arouse an interest in purchasing a book or magazine?
6. Know how to meet objections to purchasing a book or magazine.
7. Do one of the following:

  1. Maintain a literature rack for four months, keeping a log of which books are the most and least popular.
  2. Do a project of house-to-house or mail distribution of literature in your community for ten hours. Include in the literature a response card for additional literature, Bible studies, and/or a Bible correspondence course.
  3. Engage in selling Seventh-day Adventist books and/or magazines during a period of a least five weeks, or at least 20 hours each.
  4. Do a project of distributing religious books to local government officials. Spend at least ten hours on your project.
  5. Do a project of supplying religious literature to patients in a hospital or nursing home. Spend at least ten hours on your project.
  6. Make a project of supplying a year’s subscription to Liberty magazine to the judges and/or lawyers in your community. Raise the money or get contributions for the gift subscriptions.
  7. Make a project of sending literature and/or Bibles to the mission field. Part of this project is collecting the literature and/or Bibles, determining where to send the material and packaging and sending the material.

Skill Level 1
Original Honor “Colportage” 1928;
Name changed to “Literature Evangelism” 1956

Spiritual Growth, Outreach and Heritage Ministries
General Conference
2001 Edition

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