
Mammals Honor Requirements

Mammals Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the mammals honor by clicking on the download link above.


1. What Bible verse gives the day mammals were created?
2. List four characteristics of a mammal.
3. Give one or more identifying characteristics of each of the following orders of mammals, and name one or more species of mammals found in each order:

  1. Marsupialia
  2. Insectivora
  3. Chiroptera
  4. Carnivora
  5. Pinnipedia
  6. Rodentia
  7. Lagomorpha
  8. Artiodactyla
  9. Sirenia
  10. Cetacea

4. List four beneficial mammals and tell how they are beneficial.
5. List four things mammals do that are harmful.
6. List four mammals that are completely aquatic and designate their natural range.
7. Name the largest mammal in the world and tell where it lives, how it feeds, and what it eats.
8. List eight species of wild mammals that are in your region. Spend at least 5 hours searching for wild mammals in there natural habitat.
9. Write or tell a story about "Wild Mammals I Have Observed".

Skill Level 1
Original Honor 1937

Mammals, Advanced

1. Have the Mammals Honor
2. What mammals in your locality are protected by law? Why?
3. How do the processes of birth and care for the young differ in monotremes and marsupials from all other orders of mammals?
4. Name five different ways in which mammals protect themselves and their young, and cite an example of each.
5. What mammals are agents for the transmission of tularemia, bubonic plague, trichinosis, and rabies?
6. List 15 species of wild mammals which you personally have observed and identified in the wild. For each one listed, include the following data:

  1. Name
  2. Date observed
  3. Locality
  4. Habitat (woods, field, swamp)
  5. Time of day
  6. Behavior (what the animal was doing)

Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1949

General Conference
2001 Edition

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