Download the requirements for the Robotics honor by clicking on the download link above.
1. Define the following terms:
2. Briefly describe three examples on how the use of robotics and automation has made an impact on society.
3. Briefly describe the following tools:
4. Define computer vision. Give three practical examples of its use.
5. Describe and give an example of each of the following types of robotic motion::
6. Describe what is used as a power source for most robotic applications.
7. Describe, draw, or show pictures of a ballbot.
8. List four advantages and four disadvantages of automation. Briefly describe each.
9. Define and give two practical illustrations on the following types of automation:
10. Become familiar with any FAA (or equivalent body) regulations governing the operation of robots (including drones) in your locality.
11. Discuss with a group the biblical context of the following texts as they relate to the field of automation and robotics:
12. List and discuss the relevance of Isaac Asimov’s three rules governing robots.
13. Research ideas on robotic construction projects. Based on your research, construct and successfully operate a robot from a kit.
Skill Level 1
New in 2016
Robotics, Advanced
1. Have the Robotics Honor.
2. Define the following terms:
3. Research an existing Robotics Club or League and discuss the following:
4. Using a kit, build a robotic model from instructions. Program your robot to complete one of the following challenges:
5. Design and build your own robotic model and program your robot to complete one of the following challenges (cannot be the same challenge as completed in previous requirement):
6. Choose one of the following:
7. Write a 250 word paragraph, or give a 3-5 minute presentation to your group or club, explaining how you can use Robotics to witness to those that don’t know about God.
8. Review Asimov’s governing rules of robots and discuss if creating robots is usurping God’s creative prerogative with regard to sentient beings.
9. Complete one of the following:
Skill Level 2
New in 2016
North American Division
Updated 2016