
Steps to Jesus Award Requirements

Steps to Jesus Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the Steps to Jesus award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Helping Hand (4th grade)
Category: Spiritual
Section: My God

Steps to Jesus

1. Understand the steps to salvation.
2. Read and discuss with an adult four Bible stories on conversion/salvation.
3. Memorize John 3:16, Acts 16:31, and 1 John 1:9.
4. Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus.
5. Make a personal choice to accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Discuss your decision with a parent or club teacher.

1. Make these concepts as simple as needed for the child to grasp. The most important concept is that she/he recognize the nature of sin (wrong doing) and its consequences (eternal death), and then ask Jesus to forgive and be his/her Saviour.

2. These stories would make a great children’s church sermon, club devotional or family worship. Create wonder-inspiring moments for the child to understand God’s great interest in his/her salvation.

3. Suggestion: Illustrate the texts on a bookmark for their personal Bible or to give to someone who wants to know more about Jesus.
4. Encourage a planned, regular time with God—it can be with a parent, during family worship, with the club, or alone. Commitment is key and needs to continue as the child's relationship with God grows.
5. Personal commitment in young children is often spontaneous and publicly shown. But this award encourages a personal decision made contemplatively at home with parents. However, when a home-inspired decision is not possible, a teacher or other caring individual may be the best one to nurture this first step as privately as possible. Warmly welcome the child as the newest member of the family of God, assuring them of God’s unfailing love, acceptance, forgiveness, and great care. Recommended an extra project. Encourage the child to further respond in their own way—create a song, poem, painting, drawing, or sculpture, or express themselves through technology. (But never force.)

Recommended reading:
A Child’s Steps to Jesus by Linda Porter Carlyle (Pacific Press, 2007)
How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus by Donna Habenicht (Review and Herald, 1999)

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