Women are the backbone of the church. In the North American Division women comprise nearly 60 percent of church membership and serve in every department of the church. Women’s contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church. An active women’s ministry in the local church... [Show more]
Perfect for distributing in your program or at your events.
Perfect for distributing in your program or at your events. This resource is a great reminder of the importance of Women's Ministries!
This catalog is full of resources for women's ministries leaders. Included are articles, websites, ideas and items you can purchase to assist you in ministry.
Here is the evangelistic tool you have been waiting for! The Women's Ministries Evangelism Manual is a comprehensive guide for those that want to reach others for Jesus. As you go through this material you will find there are many ways to evangelize and reach the world for Christ. These methods can... [Show more]