This is the eighth study in a set of 41 Bible study brochures for teens. Learn about prayer from Scripture. Comes in a package of 10.
#GrowingYoungAdventists is part of an array of resources from Young Adult Life helping us love next generations well. This resource walks readers through a personal season of prayer as we aspire to grow the vitality and vibrancy of our church. The desire to reach all generations, younger and older,... [Show more]
Xperience creative ways to pray and discover the joy of spending time with Jesus. Day 1:Children will create a unique secret hideout to remind them to spend quality time with Jesus. Each child will draw a picture and write a prayer next to it expressing what they want to do with Jesus in their... [Show more]
Manual: Cima de la Montaña (Estación de oración) Los niño experimentaran maneras creativas de orar y descubrían la alegría de orar y pasar tiempo con Jesús. Día 1: Los niños crearán un escondite secreto único para... [Show more]
This set of 41 teen Bible studies takes one topic at a time and presents several texts, sometimes with a short commentary or excerpt from the spirit of prophecy. Each colorful brochure also includes instructions for marking your Bible and linking topical texts for easy study with others. Topics... [Show more]
Would you like to create the ideal Sabbath School class – one with a warm and caring atmosphere, where members and visitors alike feel welcome and cared for? This booklet outlines Sabbath School Action Units, a simple plan to organize, equip, and mobilize the church to accomplish its mission... [Show more]
An important part of being a disciple is spending time in study, prayer, and sharing what Jesus means to you. Footprints for Kids introduces TAG time (Time Alone with God) starting with lesson five. Every week each child will receive a TAG card. This card reviews the focus for the week, gives key... [Show more]
For years the Seventh-day Adventist Church has voted support of women serving as pastors. Currently female pastors minister to more than 100 Adventist faith communities in North America. Each congregation and pastor experience a unique journey of faith. This video shares four of these stories. You... [Show more]
There is no higher calling than to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Nothing compares to knowing and following the Savior of the world. To know Him is to love Him, and to follow Him is a wonderful adventure. Still, the discipleship journey is full of pitfalls and snares that threaten to lead us away... [Show more]
God asks each of us to be boldly brave in the ongoing struggle between good and evil. However, warriors for God do not always fight with swords or spears. God gives each of us weapons of faith. In Boldly Brave you will find stories of girls and women, men and boys of the Bible who used their weapons... [Show more]