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Dealing with Divorce

Dealing with Divorce

Ten sessions for a seminar or support group including: Understanding my divorce Understanding my emotions Handling my anger Improving my self-concept My new friendships Becoming a new me Also includes everything you will need for a successful seminar: photocopy-ready handouts, meeting planners,... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
Ministry of Healing

Ministry of Healing

In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.... [Show more]

  • Price:$1.95
The Dynamics of Religious Conversion

The Dynamics of Religious Conversion

Many regard religious conversion primarily, or even solely, as leaving one faith group and adopting another. In The Dynamics of Religious Conversion, V. Bailey Gillespie shows persuasively that religious conversion is far deeper and more personal than just a switch of confessional allegiances. This... [Show more]

  • Price:$29.95
Summer Ministries

Summer Ministries

Not every summer is spent in sand, sun, and sports. More teens want to become involved in ministry that serves communities. Summer Ministries is about how to lead your church, regardless of its size, into the rewarding arena of targeted project evangelism. The manual is divided into four sections,... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
  • Sale:$1.00
We Believe

We Believe

This handy guide provides a thorough, in-depth study of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, using questions and answers, true-or-false questionnaires, simple illustrations and stories to help every member understand the main points of our faith. Whatever the stage of your spiritual journey, no matter... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Ministry in an Age of Shifting Social Context

Ministry in an Age of Shifting Social Context

Have you noticed cultural, ethnic, and generational gaps in your church? How can your church overcome social, racial, and age differences? What can be done to allow every group to find comfort and understanding under the same church roof? Use this 49-page guide to learn how to work together to find... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95


Ron grew up hopelessly ensnared in the sticky spider's web of emotional and physical abuse. Nancy was a child trapped in a prison of worthlessness and rejection. But underneath the pain, these were not passive victims. They were survivors. In their lifelong search for truth and emotional healing,... [Show more]

  • Price:$13.00


This classic work on education sets forth the unique and challenging idea that "the work of education and the work of redemption are one." The Ultimate goal of all learning should be to understand more about our Creator-Redeemer and to reflect that understanding in our personal lives. In her... [Show more]

  • Price:$16.95
Easy Obedience

Easy Obedience

Is obedience really easy? Some might argue that it's impossible! But Kay Kuzma would disagree. Parenting will always have its challenges, but with a foundation of understanding and love, and a willingness to meet your child's basic needs, you can apply the techniques in Easy Obedience and experience... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
A Reason to Believe

A Reason to Believe

Introducing the "first Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored youth doctrinal-baptismal course anyone has seen for a long, long time!" A Reason to Believe has been developed as a finished product of an initial idea that started in Insight Magazine in 1993. This workbook-styled resource boils the... [Show more]

  • Price:$5.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States