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Preaching Made Simple

Preaching Made Simple

Dr. Sydney Gibbons has done extensive research and shared this information in such a manner that will capture your attention and invigorate your mind. Given the scope of this book it will not only capture the interest of the layperson, but also appeal to the members of the clergy. It can serve as a... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
Help! I'm a Parent - Ages 8-12 Book and DVD Set

Help! I'm a Parent - Ages 8-12 Book and DVD Set

    This kit includes everything you need to lead a group through Help! I'm a Parent for parents of kids ages 8-12. This resource is ideal for use individually, as a couple, or in a group meeting in the home, church, or at a local church school. Kit includes: Instructions for sharing... [Show more]

  • Price:$69.95
Sabbath School Teacher Training Set

Sabbath School Teacher Training Set

The Sabbath School Teacher Training Course includes eight units that are arranged so the teachers in Sabbath School classes can become more effective. The courses are divided into three segments: Core Units, Essential Skills and Advanced Skills. Courses in this Sabbath School series include: The... [Show more]

  • Price:$24.95
The Reason Is...

The Reason Is...

With divorce rates soaring and godly marriages under spiritual attack, now more than ever do we need principles to strengthen our marriages. Simply written, The Reason Is provides sustaining principles for a life-long marriage using the Word of God as the foundation. It provides a unique description... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Personal Ministries Training Course Set

Personal Ministries Training Course Set

The Personal Ministries Training Course includes nine units that are arranged so leaders in outreach can become more effective both personally and in leading others in witnessing. The courses are divided into three segments: Core Units, Essential Skills and Member-Led Public Evangelism. Courses in... [Show more]

  • Price:$27.95
Faithfacts Discipleship Guide

Faithfacts Discipleship Guide

In this guide you will find 28 Bible studies for personal or group study. Each is designed to guide you into a personal or group study that will help lead you down the pathway from spiritual seeker to a lifelong disciple and disciple-maker of Jesus. The studies are divided into four... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Rain, Wind and Fire - iFollow Leader's Guide

Rain, Wind and Fire - iFollow Leader's Guide

We are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Several biblical references tell us about being “baptized with the Holy Spirit,” “receiving the Holy Spirit,” or being “born of the Spirit.” We also read stories of the Holy Spirit enabling... [Show more]

  • Price:$4.99
The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage

The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage

"The gifts have been set in the Church and not in any one family." Lewis Christian, European Divison President, 1934 For almost 15 years Elmshaven, the Californian home of Ellen White, was the busy hub of development for the Adventist church on the West Coast. And then in July 1915 her voice fell... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
Rain, Wind and Fire - iFollow Bible Study Guide

Rain, Wind and Fire - iFollow Bible Study Guide

We are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Several biblical references tell us about being “baptized with the Holy Spirit,” “receiving the Holy Spirit,” or being “born of the Spirit.” We also read stories of the Holy Spirit enabling... [Show more]

  • Price:$5.99
Help! I'm a Parent - Ages 8 - 12

Help! I'm a Parent - Ages 8 - 12

What if someone gave you a block of the finest marble with the task of creating a masterpiece that would be displayed for the entire world to see? Parenting is like that, except that instead of a block of marble we are given the delicate life of a child to shape and mold so they can become lifetime... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
  • Sale:$1.00

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States