Real Love is a seminar geared specifically toward helping teenage girls discover that God loves them and desires the very best for their relationships. This leader’s guide includes step-by-step instructions, a complete leader’s script, a PowerPoint presentation and sample... [Show more]
"In the beginning, God created..." With these words, the Bible powerfully sets in motion our praise to the Creator for His awesome work. The Creation Story for Children, written and illustrated by David and Helen Haidle, is filled with vibrant images of the week of creation. The relevant Scripture... [Show more]
"It's an old, old story which for centuries has filled families with joy where it has been told. A the same time, it's today's story. The story must be told and retold if families are to find their true identity, be knit together as a family, and connected in community. We'll know we've got it when... [Show more]
Real Family Talk is an award-winning program hosted by Willie Oliver, Ph.D., a pastor and family sociologist, and Elaine Oliver, MA, an educator and counseling psychologist. Through their half-hour show, this dynamic couple equips families with the tools necessary to build relationships, improve... [Show more]
Real Family Talk is an award-winning family television program hosted by Willie Oliver, PhD, a pastor and family sociologist, and Elaine Oliver, MA, an educator and counseling psychologist. Through their half-hour show, this dynamic couple equips families with the tools necessary to build... [Show more]
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Free Women's Day of Prayer Program
Free Women's Day of Prayer Program