Teaching scripture is our privilege, responsibility, and calling. It is our privilege to share the Good News and our responsibility to seek to emulate the teaching methods of the Master Teacher. We are called, from the routine vocation and pastimes of daily life, to teach. Called to Teach is... [Show more]
In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus makes the mission of the church abundantly clear: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . .” But how do you reach a twenty-first-century society filled with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of religious interest? And how can you expect to... [Show more]
Disk One Herod the Great: “I will be king at any cost!” Joseph the Carpenter: “I’m his daddy, but not his father.” The Magi: Wise men still seek Him. Disk Two Jesse the Innkeepers: Life would never be the same after “that night.” James the Just: The... [Show more]
At the heart of the Sabbath is a person—Jesus Christ. He's the source of the joy we find in this special day. So if you're looking for a recipe for Sabbath keeping that contains all the dos and don'ts, you'll be disappointed. This book goes beyond "rules" to the principles of Sabbath... [Show more]
Bible Graphics Studio is a powerful yet easy to use graphics factory designed to help busy pastors and worship leaders quickly produce custom projected graphics. Realistic Bible photographs, an intuitive catalog, a variety of templates, and thousands of graphics make this a unique graphics... [Show more]
“There is no doubt that modern scientific knowledge has brought us great benefits….But our reliance on this principle has been purchased at a price. Reality has been broken down into many small pieces and we have lost our sense of the whole….The Bible, like other texts, has been... [Show more]
Jesus is both human and God. As the Son of Man, He gave us an example of how to live on this earth. As the Son of God He saves us from our sins so that we might live with Him in eternity. No one has had more impact on Earth than Jesus. Today, He calls to us to believe in Him and to follow Him, just... [Show more]
What if the mission Jesus gave His church drove everything that the church did? What would that be like? Undoubtedly it would drive the church right out of the building and into the community. What would the results be? Heartfelt worship, meaningful relationships, and an insatiable drive to dispense... [Show more]
Forgiveness is at the center of our faith. We forgive because Jesus has forgiven us and says we should forgive others. But what does it mean to forgive? Is it to forget any wrongdoings, to accept an apology, to reconcile, to move on? What does it look like in real life? The Forgiveness Formula... [Show more]
When Kristin Breiner and her husband, Adam, learned that their unborn baby would have a disability, they struggled with the unknown. What abilities would their son have? Would he be able to lead an independent life as an adult? Could they still love their older son enough while caring for a younger... [Show more]