This USB is full of resources for Thunder Island VBS directors. Plug this USB into your computer to access files for your program. Includes files in English and Spanish.
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The primary goal of this program is to help children associate Christmas with Jesus. As we all know, the commercial materialism that has taken over the Christmas season is not conducive to the spiritual values that the birth of Jesus stands for. In a popularity contest between Jesus and Santa Claus,... [Show more]
This program deals with the subject of creation, but narrowed down to inanimate nature, sky, water, earth, and vegetation. Some animal life is included, but only as it pertains directly to inanimate aspects of the outdoor world. As children discover the wonders of the scenic outdoors, they will also... [Show more]
Through pretending to explore at the ocean, children are taught the love of Jesus and, at the same time, they learn about an important part of the natural world. Children of all ages will enjoy the activities and songs in this program. To adapt the program to older children, go into greater detail... [Show more]
The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is designed to challenge teens with new and increased responsibilities in the Pathfinder Club. This four-year program allows for TLTs to gain leadership skills by working alongside Pathfinder staff and a TLT mentor. TLTs will gain experience... [Show more]
“ ‘Help!’ is often the cry of a leader who has the task of leading teenagers. What can I do with them – whether I have 2 or 22? What do they want to do that will not either kill them or lead them astray? I don’t have a clue what to do with the teens…and there is... [Show more]