
Search Results

Bible Versions

ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry

Literature Ministries Coordinator Ministry Description

Literature Ministries Coordinator Ministry Description

Click here for more information and to download the ministry description

Community Services

Resources for local community services leaders

Children's Week of Prayer

At the Community Praise Center in Alexandria, VA, Pastor Virginia Harrison describes how they allow children and youth the opportunity to become preachers and share with their church.

A Lesser Light

A short video about thinking outside the box in creative ways.

Prison Ministry Outreach

with Cleveland Houser

Andrews Study Bible and Commentary

Andrews Study Bible and Commentary

First, Only Study Bible from Adventist Publishing House

School Board Chairperson Ministry Description

School Board Chairperson Ministry Description

Click here for more information and to download the ministry description

Starting a Men's Group

Starting a Men's Group


A very dramatic short Sonscreen Festival video about youth and choices.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States