Wholly Healthy is not the “same old, same old” self-help book. It doesn’t include the latest miracle diet or recommend the ultimate body-building device. Don’t look here for a fantastic recipe containing basmati brown rice and quinoa. You’ll be disappointed if... [Show more]
This set includes 12 Bible studies: The Word Jesus the Christ The Beginning and Ending of Sin The State of the Dead The End of Sin and Sorrow God’s Law and God’s Grace The Bible Sabbath The Temple of God Financial Faithfulness Bible Baptism Saints, Styles, and Standards The Holy... [Show more]
Imagine a couple of loving parents holding their baby in their arms for the first time. Now try to imagine what they would do if their little one was snatched from their arms by a kidnapper who wants to destroy the child forever. If we can understand how those parents would feel, perhaps we can... [Show more]
Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name. He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the trillions of cells that make up every facet of who you are. The God who spoke the universe into existence made you too and knows everything... [Show more]
Just like the woman at the well, we cannot see who Jesus really is until we let Him break down our personal barriers. But if we give Him that trust, He will open our hearts and minds to the transformative power of His love. That’s what this book is about: welcoming Jesus into our lives and... [Show more]
Seventy percent of Seventh-day Adventist Church members have a relative or personal friend who used to be an Adventist and has dropped out of the church. It is a sad reality, but for every person who regularly attends a Seventh-day Adventist Church there is at least one more person who used to... [Show more]
This Bible has been specially prepared to give hope to those who are facing different challenges in life. It is also a great resource for health care professionals, chaplains, and others who may offer any kind of support for those in need. The Hope Bible has many unique characteristics: Preliminary... [Show more]
Should Seventh-day Adventists be involved in matters of social injustice, and if so, how? What would Jesus do? These and other relevant questions will be discussed in the special February 2022 Black History Month Sabbath School Study Guide. The study guide, authored by four theologians and... [Show more]
Jesus compared His Word to a “…Treasure hidden a field…” (Matthew 13:44). Is the Bible a treasure for your children? Do they love the stories and spending time reading the Bible? The 20 different methods included in this book will help your child get more out of... [Show more]
When thinking of the term “justice,” some people might picture a courtroom, handcuffs, a police car, or maybe even a jail cell. Some may even think of superheroes in their colorful spandex and capes. But what does “justice” mean when it’s used in the Bible? How does... [Show more]