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Fishers of Men (Spanish)

Fishers of Men (Spanish)

This manual strives to help us understand how to treat people of varying temperaments and guide them to Christ effectively. The book is a useful tool for winning souls. AVAILABLE IN SPANISH ONLY. Paperback. 68 pages.

  • Price:$10.00
Felt Books of the Bible

Felt Books of the Bible

Help children learn and remember the names and order of the Biblical canon. Color coded for easy memory, the set includes 38 moveable pieces. The books are 7 1/2" tall. Teacher's manual contains six lessons for children ages three to six and 10 lessons for children ages seven to 12.

  • Price:$20.95
Honors Worksheets PDF Download - Spanish

Honors Worksheets PDF Download - Spanish

This PDF contains all honors worksheets. Use this PDF to print worksheets for each Pathfinder. Features worksheets for every honor, including Marsupials, African Lore, Puppetry, and many more. Included are sections for: Arts, Crafts, and Hobbies Health and Science Household Arts Nature Outdoor... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
Friend Activity Diary (Spanish)

Friend Activity Diary (Spanish)

A workbook designed to help students complete the class requirements. Teachers and instructors love the diary because it helps organize work and provides something students can take home when the year is done. NAD Pathfinder Ministries. (AdventSource). 24 pages.

  • Price:$2.50
Companion Activity Diary (Spanish)

Companion Activity Diary (Spanish)

The activity workbook is designed to help students complete class requirements. Teachers and instructors love the workbook because it helps organize work and provides something students can take home when the year is done. NAD Pathfinder Ministries. (AdventSource). 24 pages.

  • Price:$2.50
A Practical Guide for Pastors and Elders

A Practical Guide for Pastors and Elders

Assembling the right pastoral and youth ministry team is a key factor in the success of Pathfinder ministry. Whether you are starting a new Pathfinder club or revitalizing an existing club, a thorough assessment of the spiritual atmosphere for the youth in your church will help you design a ministry... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Companion Class Pin

Companion Class Pin

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Voyager Class Pin

Voyager Class Pin

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Friend Class Chevron

Friend Class Chevron

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Explorer Class Chevron

Explorer Class Chevron

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States