Satan has always looked for opportunities to divide the family of God. One of his most successful attempts was the introduction of racial slavery into the 17th-century American colonies. This institution set the pattern of American black-white relations for hundreds of years. In the Seventh-day... [Show more]
Each year, North American Division Women’s Ministries provides women in the territory with an opportunity to apply for an undergraduate degree scholarship. This brochure includes information about supporting the scholarship and eligibility requirements.
Here are five ways to brand your church and tell your story
Potential for Church Growth
When was the last time you checked your website to make sure it still works properly, looks current, and is meeting your goals?
The Seventh-day Adventist Memorial Medallion of Honor recognizes the sacrificial service of deceased Seventh-day Adventist clergy, educators, and chaplains who dedicated their lives to ministry within the church. The Medallion may be affixed to cemetery grave markers as a perpetual... [Show more]
ADRA HIV and AIDS Resource
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Small Groups Training Manual – is perhaps the finest Small Groups Training manual produced by a Seventh-day Adventist. Milton Adams, pastor of the Central Oregon Coast Churches has developed and used...