
Search Results

Church Board Member Quick Start Guide

Church Board Member Quick Start Guide

Learn about the ministry of the church board

Home and School Quick Start Guide

Home and School Quick Start Guide

Learn about home and school ministry

Pathfinder Club

Resources for the Pathfinder Club

Church Members Create Bags of Love

Church Members Create Bags of Love

Finance Committee

Resources for the finance committee

Reconnecting Ministries

Resources for reconnecting ministries

Benefits of AdventSource's Event Registration Services

Read this article to learn why you should use AdventSource's event registration services.

An Unlikely Story

This documentary tells the story of the Conscious Cafe in Pennsylvania, a ministry led by Pastor Andrew Clark.

Nominating Committee

Resources for the nominating committee

Single Adult Ministries

Resources for single adult ministries

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States