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Ranger Class Name Strip

Ranger Class Name Strip

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Voyager Class Name Strip

Voyager Class Name Strip

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Explorer Class Pin

Explorer Class Pin

Identifies that a Pathfinder has completed the basic class level.

Family Worship Set

Family Worship Set

Family worship is an important part of a child's life. Each of the 25 Bible lessons contained in this set is designed to be used throughout a week. The set includes both Biblical and modern figures and objects. 8.5" Figures Teacher's Manual (25 Bible lessons: 14 Old Testament, 11 New... [Show more]

  • Price:$20.95
Mobile Ministry - PDF Download

Mobile Ministry - PDF Download

This manual was written to help you and your church cross the digital divide. It introduces the spectrum of tools, techniques, and strategies that will transform your church into a mobile hotspot for your members, and for people around the world. Copyright 2013. 42 pages. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once... [Show more]

  • Price:$7.95
Day Camp Handbook

Day Camp Handbook

Summer is a great time for ministry! The parents in your neighborhood are looking for activities for their kids. This complete how-to guide is for churches that want to conduct a Day Camp for the kids and youth in the community. Included are sections on finances, staff, safety, and schedule ideas.... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Explorer Wall Chart (Spanish)

Explorer Wall Chart (Spanish)

Outline your Pathfinder's progress with the help of these poster-sized (11" x 17") record charts. Pathfinders, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. These posters have enough space for up to 10 students in each class. Click on... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.59
Friend Wall Chart (Spanish)

Friend Wall Chart (Spanish)

Outline your Pathfinder's progress with the help of these poster-sized (11" x 17") record charts. Pathfinders, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. These posters have enough space for up to 10 students in each class. Click on... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.59
Companion Wall Chart (Spanish)

Companion Wall Chart (Spanish)

Outline your Pathfinder's progress with the help of these poster-sized (11" x 17") record charts. Pathfinders, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. These posters have enough space for up to 10 students in each class. Click on... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.59
Ranger Wall Chart (Spanish)

Ranger Wall Chart (Spanish)

Outline your Pathfinder's progress with the help of these poster-sized (11" x 17") record charts. Pathfinders, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. These posters have enough space for up to 10 students in each class. Click on... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.59

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States