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7 Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence

7 Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence

After extensive research over many years, Jim Feldbush and Steve Yeagley, in association with Ron Whitehead and the Center for Youth Evangelism, have discovered why some youth/young adult groups grow spiritually and numerically while others stagnate. If you only read one book on youth ministry this... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
Mayer and Barreto - Glimpses of Hope (Spanish)

Mayer and Barreto - Glimpses of Hope (Spanish)

Glimpses of Hope with Pastor Ernest Castillo and Sandra Juárez Pastor Jorge Mayer - The Home I Dreamed of Pastor Jorge Mayer decided to save lives for Christ by helping young people and couples find the right path. Have you ever dreamed of your prince charming or a cute little princess and... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #2 | Book #5, Spanish

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #2 | Book #5, Spanish

This book tells stories from the early kingdom of Israel. Samuel went to live with Eli, the priest, as a little boy. But he recognized God's voice when it was called to him and followed God's commands even when it was hard. Israel wanted a king, even if it wasn't in God's plan. Though David was just... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States