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Pursued Leader's Guide - WM

Pursued Leader's Guide - WM

Sinners. That’s us, from the moment we are born. Yet God relentlessly pursues a relationship with us. In fact, the Bible tells us that while we were in our mother’s womb He knew all about us—and loved us still. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Father... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.49
Prophecies of Revelation Made Simple

Prophecies of Revelation Made Simple

John wrote his book of Revelation a long time ago. Was he talking about events that have subsequently unfolded—or does his book tell us about events we can expect to happen in the future? The symbolism in the book of Revelation can be difficult to understand. Why should we care about churches... [Show more]

  • Price:$17.95
Trends, Attitudes and Opinions

Trends, Attitudes and Opinions

A collection of studies done since 1988, edited in a convenient format to make the information accessible and useful. The information in this book was generated from survey research, often informed by focus-group input. Trends, Attitudes & Opinions will help you accurately hear the opinions of... [Show more]

  • Price:$25.00
Breakout Churches

Breakout Churches

This is the story of thirteen churches and the leaders who moved them from stagnancy to growth and from mediocrity to greatness. Drawing on one of the most comprehensive studies ever on the church, this book reveals the process of becoming a “breakout” church and the factors that lead to... [Show more]

  • Price:$22.95
Encounter Adventist Curriculum Grade 1-8 School Resource Kit

Encounter Adventist Curriculum Grade 1-8 School Resource Kit

The Grades 1-8 School Resource Kit includes items that will be used for all elementary school grades as part of the Encounter Bible Curriculum. You’ll find Bible story CDs, DVDs, music, Bible costumes, and more. In order to download the visual media, please go... [Show more]

Understanding Families

Understanding Families

The family is like a human body. The functioning of each separate part affects the body as a whole, and the body as a whole impacts the way the separate parts function. This view is crucial to those who minister to families. In this perspective, individual family members are valued and relational... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Thriving Youth Ministry in Smaller Churches

Thriving Youth Ministry in Smaller Churches

Are you in a 'small' church? Well, guess what you're the majority. With the average church in America clocking in around 75 members, there's no reason why 'small' has to equal 'less' when it comes to healthy, thriving youth ministry. In this stereotype-busting examination of 'smaller' (don't call... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
WIN! CD Professional 2nd Edition

WIN! CD Professional 2nd Edition

Do you feel that God is calling you to present integrated total wellness topics, but you don’t have the time to do the scientific research or the money to develop the graphics? Good news! Drs. John, Millie and Wes Youngberg have spent 5 years developing this series so that you can present a... [Show more]

  • Price:$149.95
Everything Under the SON - Leader's Guide

Everything Under the SON - Leader's Guide

The Critic (Qoheleth) concludes that life under the sun is a vapor—a hopeless chasing after the wind. But what if Solomon had met Jesus and learned about the Gospel? What if he had been given a glimpse into God’s vision and purpose for the human family in the mission and ministry of... [Show more]

  • Price:$5.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States