The third part in the Conflict of the Ages series, this classic by Ellen White is about the life of Jesus, the center point of human history. Follow Jesus in these pages from His birth in the stable of Bethlehem and His death on the cross to His glorious resurrection and triumphant return to... [Show more]
We can all use more of the good stuff in our lives, but... Human nature skews toward the negative and problem-focused. Accordingly, much of the mental health literature available today does a fantastic job of diagnosing problems. Definitions have their place, but without strong, sustainable... [Show more]
As you look at the world around you, do you sense a battle between good and evil? Are you alarmed by the multiplying of natural disasters? Do you wonder how a God of love can allow so much suffering? What really happens after you die? This book includes select chapters from The Great Controversy by... [Show more]
Evangelism is Heaven's top priority. Nothing is more important to God. For He "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" and He is "not willing that any should perish" (1st Timothy 2:4, NKJV: 2 Peter 3:9, NKJV). In Fulfilling God's End-Time Mission, Pastor Mark and... [Show more]
“The church exists by mission just as fire exists by burning,” wrote Emil Brunner. “Where there is no mission, there is no church.” The problem is, some churches have become mere Sabbath-morning gatherings of religious people. They’ve lost their fire and fail to... [Show more]
The world is on the edge of a huge crisis, maybe the biggest in our history, possibly the last. Here is the answer to the confusion and disillusionment so common in our time. The Great Controversy is a complete and inspirational, perfectly clear explanation of the significance of history during the... [Show more]