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Kitchener Waterloo SDA church

Reach-Out & Care church as we apply the selfless self-sacrificing love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through diligent study of the Word, an earnest prayer life, and a Christian life of service.


Phone: 519.722.4270

Sabine Vatel - Building a House of Prayer for You

Adventist Ministries Convention 2009

Revival and Reformation

You can be part of something great for God. Revival is about a new experience with Jesus. It is about what He can do in our personal lives, in our marriages and with our children. Revival leads us from heartfelt prayer to passionate mission.


Phone: 301.680.6512

Does Church Help Me?

Exploring Christianity

Does Church Help Me?

Exploring Christianity

51 Ways AdventSource Can Help You & Your Church

51 Ways AdventSource Can Help You & Your Church

Help is just a phone call away.

Seven Principles for Children’s Ministries Leaders

As a children’s ministries leader you need to commit to setting a high standard. Here are seven principles that will serve you well.

Ideas for Involving Children in the Church Service

FAMILY-LED CHURCH SERVICES Once a month, ask a different family or a group of several families to lead the entire church service...

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States