Welcome to the world of Pathfinder drill and marching where all Pathfinders learn how to respond to drill commands required for orderliness and getting into position for various activities. This guide includes detailed instructions for individual Pathfinder drill, unit drill, and club drill, along... [Show more]
The Conservation Master Award is earned when the Pathfinder earns any SEVEN (7) honors from the following list: Alternative Fuels Advanced Bogs and Fens and/or Advanced Dunes and/or Advanced Ecology and/or Advanced Endangered Species Environmental... [Show more]
The Wilderness Master Award is earned when a Pathfinder earns any seven (7) honors from the following list: Backpacking Camp Craft Camp Safety Camping Skills IV Cold Weather Survival Dutch Oven Cooking Edible Wild Plants Fire Building and Camp Cookery Hiking Knot... [Show more]
This shirt lists all countries represented at the camporee.
Show that Pathfinders are faithful as we march along with this new t-shirt!
The Youth Ministry Training Certification is something that every person working with youth should complete. These eight workshops presents the basics for leading a successful youth ministry in your church. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to... [Show more]
The Naturalist Master Award is earned when the Pathfinder completes FOUR (4) of the following honors (flora): Cacti Cacti Advanced Ferns Fungi House Plants Meteorites Midnight Sun Orchids Palm Trees Seeds Seeds... [Show more]
Philosophy: The Recreation Master Award involves honors of outdoor activities that don't primarily involve a prize or win/loss. Because there is a Wilderness Master Award, this doesn't include camping. Because there is an Aquatic Master Award, this is only land sports and recreation... [Show more]
Use this shepherd's crook as a visual aid when telling Bible stories. Sure to complement any Biblical costume, this plastic staff snaps apart for easy storage. Breaks down into 4 pieces for easy height adjustment. Fits child or adult. 64"