Should Seventh-day Adventists be involved in matters of social injustice, and if so, how? What would Jesus do? These and other relevant questions will be discussed in the special February 2022 Black History Month Sabbath School Study Guide. The study guide, authored by four theologians and... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Adult Sabbath School Facilitators is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting... [Show more]
This special 2023 Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about Emancipation. Each week there will be different topics relating to emancipation with daily lessons on that topic. Weekly lessons include: One Blood All Nations A... [Show more]
Through the lens of Mary Magdalene, Lola Moore Johnston introduces Jesus as the One who pursues you as a suitor pursues his beloved. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Pursuer relentlessly proves that nothing you can do will make Him love you less. Your past, your present, your... [Show more]
Six key questions—referred to as the five Ws and one H—outline the essential areas of inquiry in news reporting, police investigations, and research. These five key questions—who, what, when, where, why, and how—should elicit the relevant data. These questions have been... [Show more]
This curriculum was created to train Family Ministries leaders in the local church. The Leader’s Guide includes a Scripture principle, opening activity, information on the subject for that module, PowerPoint slides to accompany the presentation, and group activities for each of the six modules... [Show more]
This booklet is part of Children's Ministries certification. Track #5 Leadership reminds us first and foremost how important it is to follow the TRUE Leader for success in ministry. Leadership also covers skills and information particular to Children's Ministries. This book is created as the... [Show more]
Español Este práctico y resistente cuaderno incluye la tapa y los separadores y pestañas etiquetados, así como la guía del facilitador y los materiales de la sesión. Es una excelente manera de mantener sus materiales organizados a medida que dirige sus... [Show more]
36" round Adventist Community Services Disaster Response decal for car, truck, or building. Used to identify vehicles during disaster response programs.
Many are familiar with Jesus’ famous words that lead His Sermon on the Mount. Those words have been cause for hope for Christians everywhere. They have also been cause for profound discussion regarding just how we should conduct ourselves in this broken world. But you’re about to delve... [Show more]