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The 3 Colors of Your Gifts

The 3 Colors of Your Gifts

The 3 Colors of Your Gifts, previously published as The 3 Colors of Ministry, the book has become a worldwide benchmark for discovering and developing spiritual gifts. It is based on the three dimensions of God's nature, for which the author has chosen the colors green, red, and blue. It is the only... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
The 3 Colors of Leadership

The 3 Colors of Leadership

The 3 Colors of Leadership presents an exciting new way of looking at leadership. Whether you are an established leader in a high-profile position or an emerging leader who is still unsure whether God wants you to take over more leadership responsibility, the training described in this book will... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
How to Find and Reach Receptive People

How to Find and Reach Receptive People

Can you tell when someone is ready to hear the gospel? What are their signs of receptivity? This book will help you learn to recognize when people are open to new learning. Also discover how to analyze the demographics of your area and learn to use that information to build a more effective... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
Prophecies of Revelation Made Simple

Prophecies of Revelation Made Simple

John wrote his book of Revelation a long time ago. Was he talking about events that have subsequently unfolded—or does his book tell us about events we can expect to happen in the future? The symbolism in the book of Revelation can be difficult to understand. Why should we care about churches... [Show more]

  • Price:$17.95
Uncovering the Life of Jesus

Uncovering the Life of Jesus

Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these six Bible studies in Luke. Uncovering the... [Show more]

  • Price:$10.00
  • Sale:$5.00
Building Strong Congregations

Building Strong Congregations

You probably have a fairly good idea of what it took to construct the building in which your congregation meets. First, there was a recognized need for a building, followed by a budget, blueprints, fund-raising, construction workers, and building materials, and voila! The structure proudly stands as... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
Look Back, Leap Forward

Look Back, Leap Forward

"What happened to the tried and true ideas that worked so well before?" "Why isn't our church attracting new members?" "Should we target our worship services to believers or to the unchurched?" To keep pace with rapid changes in the twenty-first century, pastors and leaders are being forced to take... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.99
Grace Outlet: Creating Churches that Dispense the Unmerited Favor of God

Grace Outlet: Creating Churches that Dispense the Unmerited Favor of God

What if the mission Jesus gave His church drove everything that the church did? What would that be like? Undoubtedly it would drive the church right out of the building and into the community. What would the results be? Heartfelt worship, meaningful relationships, and an insatiable drive to dispense... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Prophecies of Daniel Made Simple

Prophecies of Daniel Made Simple

Daniel wrote his book a long time ago, so does it really have anything to do with us today? Can Daniel really tell us what to expect in the future? The symbolism in the book of Daniel can be difficult to understand. First comes the giant statue made of different metals, which is smashed by a... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Gate

Kindness is a lost commodity in our culture. The drive for success, for significance, and survival leaves compassion floundering by the wayside. Talk radio engenders combative dialogue that leaks into our churches. Members get inflamed at one another in “hot talk” over politics, pop... [Show more]

  • Price:$8.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States