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From Spectators to Disciples; A Biblical Strategy for Church Growth

From Spectators to Disciples; A Biblical Strategy for Church Growth

The common denominator in the Bible for the mission of the church is Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28, “Go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them..." The church, as envisioned by Jesus and the apostles, was designed to grow in personal spiritual development and in numbers... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
Family-to-Family Church Guide

Family-to-Family Church Guide

Family-to-Family is a way to involve entire families in the mission of sharing the gospel with their neighbors, relatives and friends. Although often intimidating to many who have never engaged in this kind of work, Family-to-Family is the kind of resource that when employed by local churches and... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It DVD

It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It DVD

When Craig Groeschel founded, the congregation met in a borrowed two-car garage, with ratty furnishings and faulty audiovisual equipment. But people were drawn there, sensing a powerful, life-changing force Groeschel calls 'It.' What is It, and how can you and your ministry get--and... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
  • Sale:$10.00
30 Day Cycle of Prayer for Buddhists

30 Day Cycle of Prayer for Buddhists

Close to one billion people around the world have been strongly influenced by Buddhism. This religion was founded approximately 2500 years ago through the experience and teaching of Gautama Buddha, called the enlightened one. Though Buddhism started in India, it now has followers throughout the... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.00
Principles of Personal Christian Witness

Principles of Personal Christian Witness

According to some studies, 75-90% of people joining the church cite friends or relatives as the main influence in their decision. In light of these statistics, it’s essential that all churches become training centers, equipping lay people for personal ministry. Learn Jesus’ process of... [Show more]

  • Price:$3.95
My Whole Life Matters

My Whole Life Matters

This colorful brochure invites readers to explore the Seventh-day Adventist Church and discover why we believe that your whole life matters. Booklet. 17 Pages. Copyright 2015.

  • Price:$0.50
Reframe Your Pain: 6 Lessons on Loss - Message Tract (Pack of 100)

Reframe Your Pain: 6 Lessons on Loss - Message Tract (Pack of 100)

This sharing booklet offers six lessons on loss. Sold in packages of 100.

  • Price:$4.00
Comforters Incorporated - Message Tract (Pack of 100)

Comforters Incorporated - Message Tract (Pack of 100)

Because there are so many sources of stress, grief, and discouragement, God has provided a variety of comforters to restore hope, joy, and strength. Experience this comfort for yourself and share it with others. Sold in packages of 100.

  • Price:$4.00
Revelation's Overcomers: Victorious Living - PowerPoint Download

Revelation's Overcomers: Victorious Living - PowerPoint Download

2 fully scripted PowerPoints—can be divided into 2, 3, or 4 presentations Fully editable These presentations are in 4 sections that cover: God’s creative, drawing love Fruitful living and Christian standards Staying the course in trials Growing steadfast in faith Ideal to... [Show more]

  • Price:$10.00
The Desire of Ages (Illustrated)

The Desire of Ages (Illustrated)

The Desire of Ages tells the story of the greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known, the One around whom all of human history turns—Jesus Christ.  It brings the stories of Jesus to life so vividly that you will feel as if you are right there. But more important, it reveals a... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States