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Go Fish Kit

Go Fish Kit

  Jesus said, in Matthew 4:19…“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” “Fishing for men” means that we are so excited about Jesus’ love for us that we want to share His love with everyone around us. We show them Jesus’ love by our... [Show more]

  • Price:$49.95
Desmond Doss Conscientious Objector

Desmond Doss Conscientious Objector

Infantry men who once ridiculed and scoffed at Desmond’s simple faith and refusal to carry a weapon owed their lives to him. In the midst of a fierce firefight on Okinawa that felled approximately 75 men from the 1st Battalion, Private Doss refused to seek cover and carried his... [Show more]

  • Price:$18.95
Celebrating Fathers

Celebrating Fathers

Celebrating Fathers

Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study

Lifting Up Jesus - Bible Study

Lifting Up Jesus is a 30-lesson Bible study set in which the first nine lessons are all about Christ. This series of lessons is relational in nature. They speak not of what but of Whom. Jesus said in John 12:32, “But I, when I am lifted up will draw all men unto myself.” These lessons... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Keeping the Faith DVDs - Set of 4

Keeping the Faith DVDs - Set of 4

Keeping the Faith is a lively talk show for women hosted by Andrea Judd, Connie Vandeman Jeffery, Dr. Diana Pastora Broomfield, and Gale Jones Murphy. The mission of Keeping the Faith is to enlighten, inspire, and empower women to keep their faith. These 30-minute episodes originally aired on the... [Show more]

  • Price:$29.95
Humphrey's First Christmas

Humphrey's First Christmas

Grumpy Humphrey is hungry, tired, and cold because his favorite blanket is missing. These men are supposed to be wise; so why are they traveling so far to bring gifts to a baby they don't know? Engaging text and lush, whimsical artwork present the nativity story from a camel's perspective! Ages 4 to... [Show more]

  • Price:$8.95

Adventist-Laymen's Services & Industries-ASI

ASI (Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries) is a North American Division organization of Seventh-day Adventist lay men and women who provide support for church programs from their businesses, professional offices, and/or outreach ministries.


Phone: 301.680.6450

Lay Institute for Global Health Evangelism

The Lay Institute for Global Health Training (L.I.G.H.T.) is a supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist church devoted to hasten the coming of Jesus by training and equipping men and women to work as health evangelists. 1-mo online course,


Phone: 423.615.9075

When a Friend's Marriage is Hurting

When a Friend's Marriage is Hurting

When a Friend's Marriage is Hurting

Called to a Ministry of Caring - 3rd Edition

Called to a Ministry of Caring - 3rd Edition

Residence hall deans have occupied a prominent position in Seventh-day Adventist educational philosophy since the pioneer administrators of Battle Creek College first provided on-campus housing for both men and women in 1887. First called preceptors and later called deans, these important men and... [Show more]

  • Price:$18.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States