
Search Results

Adventist Millennial Study

Adventist Millennial Study

This report contains the findings from a series of questions commissioned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a nationwide study of 18-29 year old young adults.

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

A Biblical Understanding of the Church

Fitness Programs

Fitness Programs

Post Modern Interviews

Why don't people go to church anymore?

Thank You

The worldwide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has changed millions of lives for over 130 years.

Renewing Worship Service

Renewing Worship Service

Trends in Baptistries

Pastor Jerry Lutz of the Spencerville Adventist Church describes how important the baptism experience is for a new believer, and how that event is incorporated best into a worship service in the sa...

Adventists in the Arctic

A mission report of the growth of the Adventist church in Barrow, Alaska.

Mission Lifeguard Training

with James Black, Manny Cruz, Steve Case, Ron Pickell, and Cyril Millet

Adventist Pioneer Heritage Honor Worksheet

Adventist Pioneer Heritage Honor Worksheet

Click on the title above to download the worksheet.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States