This booklet is part of Children's Ministries certification. Track #2 Teaching Children imparts ideas and educational theories that help teach children in ways that are fun, dynamic, and spiritual.
Guide Super Sleuths is an exciting new product that helps provide meaningful answers to key questions that preteens and teens ask during difficult times. Join the Super Sleuth teens as they discover a solution to life’s problems. Facing a serious illness or disability is tough at any age.... [Show more]
Guide Super Sleuths is an exciting new product that helps provide meaningful answers to key questions that preteens and teens ask during difficult times. Join the Super Sleuth teens as they discover a solution to life’s problems. On this Super Sleuths mission Leila finds out how to deal with... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 71-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Based on the book Three Cosmic Messages by Mark Finley, this course has been developed for junior and senior academy students who wish to gain additional Bible credit by taking an honors Bible... [Show more]
For long centuries, the world waited for the Promised One, for the Messiah. Have you been waiting for Him too? Jesus, the world's Messiah, loves you - yes, you - no matter who you are. He knows your life, your joys, and your sorrows. The story of His life will show you just how much He loves you and... [Show more]
Love Under Fire outlines the grand sweep of events that have brought us to this point and will usher in this world’s final events. Throughout the history of this earth, Satan has misrepresented God’s character of love. He has put “love under fire.” Today, more than ever... [Show more]
The Foundations and Techniques Participant Guide is the first book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
Official and Supporting Adventist Organizations
There's a lot of strange stuff going on in Daniel's book. First comes the giant statue made of different metals, which is smashed to smithereens by a gigantic rock. Then the four beasts: a lion with eagle's wings, a humpbacked bear, a leopard with four wings, and some kind of indescribable beast... [Show more]
Explore the mysteries of Daniel and Revelation! The books of Daniel and Revelation were written more than two millennia ago. What relevance could such ancient writings possibly hold for us today? Delve into the pages, see the Bible come alive, and watch history laid out before you. Learn from two of... [Show more]