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Requisitos de la especialidad de Montañas

Requisitos de la especialidad de Montañas

Haga clic en el titulo para descargar los requisitos.

Women's Ministries Leader

Ministry Description

Adventurer Bible Game

Adventurer Bible Game

The Adventurer Bible Game is a group-based Bible challenge that tests the Adventurers’ knowledge of sections of scripture. Each year a new block of scripture is assigned and excited Adventurers and their parents/caregivers commit themselves to study those passages of God’s Word. The... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
So, You Want to be an AYS Leader... PDF Download

So, You Want to be an AYS Leader... PDF Download

Are you the new Adventist Youth leader in your church? Are you the current AY leader who wishes your programs and activities could reach more youth? Are you thinking, "How can I get the departments of this church involved in the AYS?" If you love youth and want to know how the Adventist Youth... [Show more]

  • Price:$4.50


Spiritual Disciplines



Spiritual Disciplines

Requisitos de la especialidad de Cupcakes y más

Requisitos de la especialidad de Cupcakes y más

Haga clic en el titulo para descargar los requisitos.

Mission in Metropolis

Mission in Metropolis

This book shares Monte Sahlin’s findings from a decade of intensive research and scores of experimental projects, and tells the stories behind the projects. It also reflects on the heritage of urban mission in the Seventh-day Adventist Church and why this fast-growing evangelical movement has... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States