Are you an area youth director or maybe a youth leader in a church? Are you just beginning or highly experienced? Are you a young person who is ready to be a leader right now? Use the principles, ideas, examples, and plans as tools for what you create with the inspiration that only God can give you.... [Show more]
Keeping Church Worship Afloat
Heaven's Depot
Books That Have Blessed Our Home
Establishing Effective Worship Teams
Establishing Effective Worship Teams
The five senses--seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touch--comprise most of what is physically meaningful to an infant. Our objective is to focus on these ingredients of the child's world and on the their fast-developing sense of self-awareness, to find a level of communication that is within... [Show more]
The Faith Community Nursing ministry operates through the skills of registered nurses serving within a ministerial setting and functioning within a health ministry.This complete manual will help you learn more about starting a local Faith Community Nursing program, recruiting nursing staff,... [Show more]