
Search Results

Duties of Deacons and Deaconesses

1. Prepare baptisimal candidates on the Sabbath of their baptism and extend home hospitality to them.

Who Needs Fellowship?

Article that discusses the importance of fellowship in a church and how to improve it.

Family Ministries Programming Ideas

Because your church is a diverse family, it is important to try to include each group in family ministries.

Young Adult Ministries Coordinator Ministry Description

Young Adult Ministries Coordinator Ministry Description

Click here for more information and to download the ministry description

Part 3: Religious Profile

Understanding Your Community

Part 6: Community Systems

Understanding Your Community

Part 5: Conducting a Needs Assessment

Understanding Your Community

Why am I Here?

Exploring Spirituality

Accepting Christ as Savior and Lord

Exploring Christianity

Use of Audio Visual Materials

Seminar Leadership

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States