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Websites: What's Next

with Lonny Nelson

Growth Groups in Tulsa

Pastors Bill McClendon and Milton Adams describes how they incorporate new members of the church to be involved with evangelism within 3 months of their time there at the church.

Women's Ministries Leader

Ministry Description

Family / Men's / Single Adult Ministries Catalog

Family / Men's / Single Adult Ministries Catalog

If you are the family ministries leader for your church, check out this catalog to find resources for family, men's, and single adult ministries.

Team One- Part 2

Pastor Dave Kennedy describes the Team One Program and how his church has been restructured with this program.

The Losers

Jim Gaull describes how the church supports Creekside Losers Society to help people to lose weight and to have a better life.

Stewardship: A Broader Picture

Stewardship: A Broader Picture


Resources for elders


Resources for greeters

Older Adult Ministries Quick Start Guide

Older Adult Ministries Quick Start Guide

Ideas for starting a older adult ministry in your local church

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States