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Jose Rojas AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Ron Clouzet AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Phyllis Washington AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Sung Kwon AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Willie Oliver Part One AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Willie Oliver part two AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Zdravko "Zack" Plantak AUC 2009

Adventist Urban Congress 2009

Television Spot Advertising

AMSA Getting Airtime

Facilitating Change

The following summary is replicated with permission from Current Thoughts&Trends

SDA Students in Public School

The ABZ's of Adventist Youth Ministry

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States