Your heart is crushed. Finding it even difficult to breathe, you wake up to the reality that someone you treasure is gone. Death has stolen your loved one from your arms. Now the seemingly insurmountable difficult work of living through grief begins. Is there anything that can soothe this... [Show more]
The Andrews Study Bible is an innovative and practical presentation of the Scriptures from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. It is designed for both the new believer and the experienced Bible student. In the Andrews Study Bible you will find Light, Depth, and Truth. You will... [Show more]
Is your church prepared to minister to those God desires to bring each week? Does your church have a system of assimilating guests and new members into the church body? The heart of God is actively drawing people to Himself. In an effort to bring the lost into a saving relationship with Him, God... [Show more]
“Dr. Scott Ward shares principles and experiences that will inspire you. The testimonies contained in this book will empower you as you consider your ministry calling and practices.” – Dr. Tracy Wood (Youth & Young Adult Ministries Director, North American Division of... [Show more]
As the title of this book implies, there has been a steady and precipitous decline of our cherished virtues and moral standards in society. Hence, there is an urgent need to revive and revitalize them in our lives, families, churches, schools, and society as a whole. The author endeavors to find... [Show more]
Teamwork is a concept that has existed since ancient times. Jesus provided the best example for establishing an organized urban evangelistic model that shared a relevant yet unpopular message in extremely hostile conditions. Despite facing opposition to the gospel message, Jesus demonstrated the... [Show more]
This volume comprises the proceedings of the Adventist Society for Religious Studies (ASRS) conference held November 18-20, 2021, in San Antonio, Texas. The title of the conference was “World Disrupted, World Revealed: Ecology and Theology in an Age of Pandemic.” Most of the contributors... [Show more]
Whether your family has been Seventh-day Adventist for generations or you’ve never heard of this religion, you’ve picked this book because you want answers. Who, after all, are these people? And what do they believe? Look inside for a brief sketch of Adventist history, beliefs, people,... [Show more]
You don’t need to be an expert to help people move through the changes of grief and loss. This Facilitator’s Guide is designed in a way that you can follow the script through each session allowing for lots of time for sharing. Each session starts with some connection time followed by a... [Show more]
Family-to-Family is a way to involve entire families in the mission of sharing the gospel with their neighbors, relatives and friends. Although often intimidating to many who have never engaged in this kind of work, Family-to-Family is the kind of resource that when employed by local churches and... [Show more]