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Have you ever wondered if the claims of Christianity are too good to be true?
I remember watching a respected TV program I enjoyed as a young adult, when I heard someone whom I admired assert that God did not exist and called those who practice religion “superstitious.” Ouch!
This began in me an extended process of wrestling with my faith in God. I wanted to know for sure if my faith was based on “superstition” or real evidence.
This book recounts my spiritual journey that ultimately led to a strong faith in the existence of God, but it was not without struggling to understand, and I can’t say that I ever found the one hundred percent tangible proof I’d hoped to find. In this book I share what I discovered that led me to a stronger faith in God, though I still have questions to which I seek answers.
How about you? How has your faith journey been?
Have you ever wondered if the claims of Christianity are too good to be true? I have! I mean, come on, really—that we may live forever if we believe in and follow Jesus? This is hard to grasp, because we have never seen it before in our reality. I mean, FOREVER life UNENDING with God in a paradise! It’s nearly incomprehensible to me! If this is all true, then it changes everything about everything! If it is not true, then why bother with any religion?
Given the possibilities, it is worth exploring, wouldn’t you say? We are not referring to what the weather is going to be like tomorrow or what we should wear. The implications are as far reaching as one can go.
About the Author: Brad is married to Nellie and is father of Alexandra, who is a student at Southern Adventist University, and Bradford, who is a senior at Pine Tree Academy in Freeport, Maine. Brad is originally from South Carolina. He attended Southern Adventist University for his BA in Theology, and Andrews University for his MDiv and DMin. He is the author of two other books: Steps to a Vibrant Church and ReGenerate! A Strategy to Revitalize Seventh-day Adventist Churches.