“…to say the church has arrived and has no more truth to discover, no more need for structural adjustment or perhaps revision, no more room for growth in understanding would be dangerous, delusional and self-defeating.” -From the Preface of Toward an Understanding of Unity.
In this small booklet Elder Lemon discusses unity, decision-making, policy, submission and more. He ends with a summary of future implications.
About the Author: Thomas Lemon is a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist, a second generation ordained minister in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and over the last 42 plus years has served as pastor, departmental leader and administrator in various capacities within the North American Division and now the General Conference. He holds a BA from Southwestern Adventist University, and a M.Div. from Andrews University. He is married with two adult children and four grandchildren.
Copyright 2017. 36 pages.