
My Personal Giving Plan

My Personal Giving Plan

Product #319044

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Just one tiny seed. But from it springs a stalk that forms an ear–and God's principle of multiplication is revealed. The efforts of the farmer increase when he generously sows his field with thousands of individual grains of wheat. God provides the sun and the water. Each seed's effort multiplies and the farmer reaps a harvest that feeds and benefits a multitude.

The same principle is at work in God's church. Although the church is made up of individuals, we find our strength in our united efforts. Each member plays a vital role in the body of Christ so that all may contribute to the picture of Jesus that the world sees. We recognize that our time, or talents, and our possessions are not our own, but a trust given to us by a loving Creator.

The psalmist writes, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" (Psalm 24:1). That is why the Seventh-day Adventist Church has developed a suggested program of systematic giving: My Personal Giving Plan.

Paperback. 12 pages. Copyright.

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