
Items by:

The Great Commission Model

The Great Commission Model

Organize for growth! Find out how Christ's ministry strategies can help you realize your vision for your church. Learn to identify target audiences and how to use small groups, personal soul winning networks, and friendship evangelism. Paperback. 22 pages. Copyright 1993.

  • Price:$2.95
Families of Faith - Family Ministries Planbook

Families of Faith - Family Ministries Planbook

Families of Faith will assist you in planning sermons, seminars, and stories that will help members of your church and community understand the divine design for life and relationships. You will find the following sermon resources: Making Your Marriage Work Family Grace Daybreak: Timeless Answers... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
How to Say Hello Without Saying Goodbye

How to Say Hello Without Saying Goodbye

Set up a receptionist and hospitality system in your church. Learn the "Zone System," how to best utilize greeters and receptionists, how to develop a Welcome Pack, and what actions to take to help ensure a second visit. Paperback. 14 pages. Copyright 2002.

  • Price:$2.95
Big Face Grace CD

Big Face Grace CD

With the release of their second CD "Face the World" and a Spotlight win at AGMA, Big Face Grace is making a mark on Christian music.

  • Price:$12.00
Giving Through Shared Vision: Participant's Guide

Giving Through Shared Vision: Participant's Guide

Money follows mission. What is God asking your church to do in your community to spread the gospel? If your church knows what that mission is, your stewardship education work is made considerably easier. This guide provides worksheets to lead your church board and other planning committees in... [Show more]

  • Price:$1.95
Pathfinder Brochure (French) Package of 100

Pathfinder Brochure (French) Package of 100

This attractive, colorful brochure provides an informative and interesting introduction to the world of Pathfinders. This brochure is ideal for recruiting and for handing out at Pathfinder registration and other Pathfinder programs. Complete with photographs of Pathfinders performing various... [Show more]

  • Price:$11.95
Captivated by Love

Captivated by Love

Despite the bad press God has been getting, God is no Victorian prude. One day in a gorgeous garden He created a young man and a young woman, brought them together, married them, and told them to "be fruitful and multiply." Much has gone wrong with the human sexual experience since that glorious... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Pathfinder Brochure (English) package of 100

Pathfinder Brochure (English) package of 100

This attractive, colorful brochure provides an informative and interesting introduction to the world of Pathfinders. This brochure is ideal for recruiting and for handing out during Pathfinder registration and other Pathfinder programs. Complete with photographs of Pathfinders performing various... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Wild Plants to Eat

Wild Plants to Eat

This workbook is meant to accompany Dining on the Wilds, but it can also be used as a standalone guide. Includes drawings, information, and recipes for more than 70 wild plants. By Jack and Miriam Damall. (Outdoor Eduquip). 81 pages. Copyright 1978. Paperback.

  • Price:$10.95
Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal

Just as humans send a message even when they are silent, a church sends a message just by its very presence in a neighborhood. Think about it. What kind of message does your church send? This booklet can help you find out. Curb Appeal will help you analyze what your church communicates to first-time... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
Church Growth Through Sabbath School Action Units

Church Growth Through Sabbath School Action Units

Would you like your Sabbath school to be aglow with Christ's love and be a dynamic center of spiritual nurture and outreach? Would you like your Sabbath school members to be genuinely caring for and supporting one another while reaching out systematically with loving concern for inactive and former... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Handling Problem Volunteers

Handling Problem Volunteers

This book is designed to help you handle a variety of problem volunteers. Each chapter begins with the discussion of some specific problem types, followed by suggestions on how to deal with them, and then concludes with some of the general questions that apply to the situation covered in the... [Show more]

  • Price:$17.95
Christ's Way of Making Disciples

Christ's Way of Making Disciples

The need of the church today is not merely to win souls, but to make disciples. Adding new converts must be followed up with multiplying fruit-bearing disciples. How did Jesus transform witnesses into radical disciples who, in turn, reproduced and multiplied themselves through others, thus building... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Welcome Baby -- Newsletters for Individual Family (Spanish)

Welcome Baby -- Newsletters for Individual Family (Spanish)

These newsletters are written for all new parents, but will be particularly meaningful to parents having their first baby. This set of Spanish newsletters will be enough to distribute to one family for one year.

  • Price:$12.95
Life After Loss

Life After Loss

Larry Yeagley, founder of grief recover seminars, shares his time-tested insights into how to cope with grief in a booklet that's priced to share. Topics include feeling, believing, hurting, saying goodbye, and refocusing. Paperback. 31 pages. Updated in 2010. 

  • Price:$2.19
The Season of Hope

The Season of Hope

The Season of Hope addresses an array of questions from youth-serving organizations about protecting children in a nonprofit’s charge from harm, whether they are program participants, employees, or volunteers. This new, comprehensive, practical book encompasses much of the material in the... [Show more]

  • Price:$29.95

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