
Items by: Pacific Press

God Said It: In the Beginning

God Said It: In the Beginning

The Scriptures contain hundreds of stories—people who trusted and obeyed God, people getting to know God, and people choosing to go their own way.  In the stories of creation, the first sin and God’s plan of salvation, Noah and the Ark, and the Tower of Babel kids can learn about... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
God Said It

God Said It

God Said It is a sample introductory booklet that introduces children to the Bible. It is designed to help children understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.  The Scriptures contain hundreds of stories about God’s people who became faithful witnesses... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
God Said It: The Life of Moses

God Said It: The Life of Moses

This book tells the powerful story of Moses—the dramatic rescue from the Nile, the fight with the Egyptian, the burning bush, the plagues, parting the red sea, and the 10 Commandments.  Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
God Said It: The Life of Joseph

God Said It: The Life of Joseph

This book tells the powerful story of Joseph—the coat of many colors, the dreams, the jealousy of his family, being sold into slavery, being sent to prison, interpreting dreams, being made the governor, saving Egypt, and finally his victorious reunion with his family.  Most important,... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #1

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #1

This book tells powerful stories of how Abraham and Isaac believed in God’s plan, the faith of Caleb and Joshua, how God’s people kept their promise to Rahab, and the hard lessons Samson learned about obeying God.  Most important, the book teaches important lessons about trusting... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
Mightier Than A Lion

Mightier Than A Lion

Suddenly a booming voice rang out. “Mark!” the voice shouted so loud it sounded like an explosion in his ears. “Run! Now!” Mark was so shocked he did exactly what the voice demanded. Fear shot through him. His heart hammering against his ribs, he turned and raced back toward... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Vision in the Storm

Vision in the Storm

Rain poured down Heman Gurney’s face as he struggled to control the rudder of his small sailboat. Wind-whipped waves crashed over the stern, threatening to capsize the fragile craft. A jagged bolt of lightning split the black sky, revealing for an instant the terrified faces of the three... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Prayer Warriors

Prayer Warriors

On a New England mountainside, flames shoot up into the sky as a mangled plane disappears from view. Toby sinks to her knees in the snow. "No!" she screams hysterically.Noble glances at the two angels, and they nod in silent agreement. The decision is made--the judgment is fair. Both David and Toby... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
ChristWise Primary Student Guide

ChristWise Primary Student Guide

For years I would pray for each child in my sphere of influence to make a decision to follow Jesus. Sure enough, one by one and year after year kids would declare, “I’m ready to be a disciple” or “I want to follow Christ.” What then? What do we do with these young ones... [Show more]

  • Price:$4.99
The Role of the Local Elder

The Role of the Local Elder

The Adventist elder is in a place of remarkable opportunity. The truth is, leadership from within is one of the most powerful forms of leadership, and the Adventist church is tremendously blessed by its local elders. The Role of the Local Elder is about the local elder. It is about the work... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.99
Steps to Christ Recovery Edition

Steps to Christ Recovery Edition

Freedom of choice is one of the most precious gifts God has entrusted to humans. We often make poor choices, which may lead to destructive habits that enslave us, damage our health and even ruin our lives. This powerful book describes the journey to hope, healing and wholeness despite our... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.99
Martin Luther King Jr.-The Pastor Who had a Dream

Martin Luther King Jr.-The Pastor Who had a Dream

Martin Luther King Jr. led the non-violent Civil Rights Movement in America with such conviction that he became known as the drum major for his people. Those who followed him during his lifetime learned the same lesson we can learn from his legacy today—“the few” speaking... [Show more]

  • Price:$7.99
Playful Worship - Book 2

Playful Worship - Book 2

The heart of Playful Worship is really quite simple: nurturing loving experiences through music.  Your child experiences their first glimpse of Jesus through you. Involvement is key. Playful Worship equips you with both fun and bonding activities as you worship Jesus together – at home... [Show more]

  • Price:$22.95
Pursued DVD - Women's Ministies

Pursued DVD - Women's Ministies

Sinners. That’s us, from the moment we are born. Yet God relentlessly pursues a relationship with us. In fact, the Bible tells us that while we were in our mother’s womb He knew all about us—and loved us still. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Father... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Pursued: A Six Week Bible Study Guide for Women

Pursued: A Six Week Bible Study Guide for Women

Through the lens of Mary Magdalene, Lola Moore Johnston introduces Jesus as the One who pursues you as a suitor pursues his beloved. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Pursuer relentlessly proves that nothing you can do will make Him love you less. Your past, your present, your... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Pursued Leader's Guide - WM

Pursued Leader's Guide - WM

Sinners. That’s us, from the moment we are born. Yet God relentlessly pursues a relationship with us. In fact, the Bible tells us that while we were in our mother’s womb He knew all about us—and loved us still. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Father... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.49

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