Are you in a 'small' church? Well, guess what you're the majority. With the average church in America clocking in around 75 members, there's no reason why 'small' has to equal 'less' when it comes to healthy, thriving youth ministry. In this stereotype-busting examination of 'smaller' (don't call... [Show more]
Lost in America will challenge the way you think about evangelism and give you a soul-stirring vision for what it can be. This book is full of powerful, yet realistic ways that you and your church can effectively reach out in genuine love to those without Christ in their lives. Hardcover. 176 pages.... [Show more]
You and your church were born to be originals, not copies. No more leadership clones. No more McChurch. It's time to "unlearn" church. This book presents a liberating, non-model for emerging purpose-driven churches that want to impact their communities. Hardcover. 224 pages. Copyright 2202.