How does a faith-based, private school system, in operation since the 19th century, continue to produce outstanding results? Watch The BLUEPRINT to learn the incredible story of Adventist education! This one-hour documentary visits schools across America including Holbrook Indian School,... [Show more]
Around the world, over one billion people have little or no access to healthcare. And in the developing world, faith-based organizations often play a critical role in delivering life-saving treatment. The Adventists 2 is the story of how for more than a century, Seventh-day Adventists have brought... [Show more]
A baby in California is desperate for a heart transplant. A health care facility in Florida offers a model of the hospital of the future. A religion has its members living up to 10 years longer than most. It's all part of the story of an American-born faith—the Seventh-day Adventists. The... [Show more]
Around the world, over one billion people have little or no access to healthcare. And in the developing world, faith-based organizations often play a critical role in delivering life-saving treatment. The Adventists 2 is the story of how for more than a century, Seventh-day Adventists have brought... [Show more]
How does a faith-based, private school system, in operation since the 19th century, continue to produce outstanding results? Watch The BLUEPRINT to learn the incredible story of Adventist education! This one-hour documentary visits schools across America including Holbrook Indian School,... [Show more]