The Youth Ministries Leadership Certification equips leaders with essential skills to mentor, inspire, and guide young people in their spiritual journey. It fosters a deeper understanding of youth development, effective communication, and Christ-centered leadership. Sections include: Spiritual... [Show more]
The Momentum Youth Bible Study Guide introduces or re-affirms our Seventh-day Adventist beliefs in a new and refreshing way. The guide covers the following beliefs: 1. The Bible 2. The Trinity 3. Creation 4. The Great Controversy 5. Life, Death & Resurrection of Christ 6. The Experience of... [Show more]
In Grace Race travelers must journey along “the great perilous path” to reach the Kingdom. Along the way they will encounter real-life experiences and interactions that might slow or advance their progress along their path. The varying circumstances will cause the... [Show more]
The Spiritual Practices and Ideas Leader's Guide is the Last book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
The Principles of Spiritual Growth Leader's Guide is the second book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
The Spiritual Practices and Ideas Participant Guide is the Last book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
The Principles of Spiritual Growth Participant Guide is the second book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
IGNITE is training for Youth Sabbath School leaders of all ages, including youth. This booklet is for participants involved in IGNITE training.
The Bible is such an amazing book full of life lessons, practical ideas on living, and power for overcoming in the face of adversity. Power from the Parables is for teens who are looking to advance their faith in a world where faithlessness seems all too common and unbelief is popular for many. In... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended resources, and more.... [Show more]
The Youth Ministry Training Certification is part of the Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) which includes certifications for Adventurer Club Ministries, Pathfinder Club Ministries, Master Guides and Youth Ministries. Each participant will need a copy of this book. Paperback. 18... [Show more]
The Youth Ministry Training Certification is something that every person working with youth should complete. These eight workshops presents the basics for leading a successful youth ministry in your church. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to... [Show more]
These new Momentum Youth Bible Study guides introduce or re-affirm our 28 fundamental beliefs in a new and refreshing way. The set includes the following titles: The Book Report (The Bible) Family Reunion - Part 1 (The Trinity) Family Reunion - Part 2 (God the Father) Family Reunion -... [Show more]
The #ONETEAM CHALLENGE is a 21-day devotional written by leaders for leaders. As co-laborers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church commissioned to lead and serve the youth and young adult generation, we share the burdens and triumphs of ministry. In this devotional, we will walk together through... [Show more]
The Foundations and Techniques Participant Guide is the first book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.
The Foundations and Techniques Leader's Guide is the first book in the Youth Sabbath School Leadership Training program.